Information about our

The Kup gradings are held every term but only those students of the correct standard in all aspects of the syllabus will be invited to the examination. The coaching team monitor the progress of each student and invitations are sent out about 10-14 days before the grading.
It is a virtual grading in same belt groups on a specific weekend day sent out on the calendar– we ask for parents to make space available so that the whole body can be seen from the zoom camera.
Students grading for Red Belt or Red Black will grade in the EMC Dojang on a Wednesday evening. The Red Black grading also contains a written test – a revision sheet is emailed out at the same time as the grading invitation.
Adult Students usually grade in the Dojang but also have the Zoom option. Allocated times are given, unfortunately we are not able to accommodate requests for different times as they need to be graded alongside the same grades.
Premierki host a Black Belt Grading at the end of every calendar year. The event is fully sanctioned by British Taekwondo with experienced 8th & 7th Dan Kukkiwon Holders.
All potential students must attend the Pre-Dan Grading Seminar (usually 1 month before to be assessed and invited to the Examination. Due to the high standard of Grading there are other clubs from around the U.K. that also attend the club grading. All successful students receive a club certificate on the day and British Taekwondo will apply for the Kukkiwon Certificate from Korea. It normally takes 1-3 months to arrive to the club instructor and will then be presented to the student in the class.

Fight Club
Once a term we have a 'Fight Club' where our students have the opportunity to practice their fighting techniques have friendly matches in a safe environment, to help increase confidence and skill.The classes. are a great success and we concentrate on sparing techniques.

Our Grading Presentations
Here are some photos of our students with there certificates at the grading presentation.